Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Little Pouter

Updates from 36w check up:

It was another one of those fast check ups - everything under 10 minutes I think. 

Dr W asked how I felt, I said "ok besides a little constipated". I like that she tries to avoid giving medications whenever possible, and told me to have plenty of fruits and fluids. And if all else fails, Fybogel works. Good to know, I'll try to go get some later.

B's head is still down but not engaged yet, doctor's not concerned as there's still time according to her. I did manage to see his face clearly and make out his features. He has a very sharp nose bridge from the side profile, and his nostrils kinda look like mine. How do I describe it?  Mine are kinda tilted towards each other at a 45 degrees angle whilst DH's are more horizontal? Doesn't matter, we'll be able to see for ourselves soon.

At some point, we saw him pouting!! Even Dr W laughed when I said "did he just pout?". Seems like he did and then although he had his eyes closed, he had the breathing actions, we could see him move up and down with each breaths. 

Water level is good, doesn't look like, or rather there isn't any signs that he'll make a surprise appearance this week. Next week, Dr W will start to check the cervix for dilation and I think also to do the Strep B test. I'm a little worried about that seeing how prone I am to infections and UTI. I just hope it doesn't affect me wanting to deliver naturally.

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