I wasn't prepared to go see Dr W today because DH an I both thought we would have delivered Baby B by now.
Anyhow, we left home almost 2 hours before our appointment, wanting to grab a leisurely breakfast as we always do prior to any doctor's visits. But the traffic this morning was crazy!!! We were stuck for almost 2 hours it was unbelievable. Needless to say, we didn't manage to get any breakfast and got to the clinic about 5-10min late.
The clinic assistant strapped me up to the CTG machine and it was my first time. So exciting to be hearing B's heartbeat for almost 25 minutes. Heartbeat is good, but my dilation is still at 1.5cm. Yawn! Dr W said we still have time, lets monitor for another week and then we decide what's next. She don't think it will be overdue as baby's fully engaged and in good position as well as cervix is already opened. Bahhhhh.... She laughed when she sensed my "helplessness".
It's ok baby, choose your right time. A matter of time before I get to hold you.
We're still waiting......lol