He bought a stand for our iPad and a wireless keyboard. Simple idea but definitely cheaper than getting a new lappy and also ensures our iPad is not under-utilized. Love it!
Shifting our focus back to B, he woke up at 545am today!!! But when we got to my mum's place, he took a 2-hour nap. Who wouldn't? The weather was too sleep-inducing. And I'm so glad to share that I managed to have him nap 3 times this afternoon without the sarong! Two times I slept with him, mother and son cuddled together, so cosy. I hope this is not just a one-time thing. B changes his "habits" and schedules like changing diapers.
Tomorrow will be a looooong day. It's my mum's 70th birthday and every year, the entire family goes out for dinner to celebrate. I have been worrying about this for so long. B's bed time is 7ish and I'm so worried he gets cranky tomorrow night when he don't get his sleep. Not forgetting he is an extremely light sleeper, so I'm concerned about how he will take it tomorrow. I guess by the time we finish dinner and reach home, it will probably be close to 10. There will be much to do and pack. Wish me luck.
I'm having friends over on Friday for 2 belated birthday celebrations and my advanced celebration. So it's gonna be a looooong day too. I hope we'll continue to be good hosts, although I know we will be extremely tired.
Yes, at this age, their 'patterns' are always changing. Lol....