Monday, December 5, 2011

Cooking Mama

I really enjoy cooking. There's something about the prep work that's so therapeutic and soothing to me. I especially love sipping a glass of wine while chopping those carrots or while waiting for the fish to bake in the oven.

Unfortunately, working full time makes it difficult to cook on a daily basis. I half suspect that if I were to cook everyday, I'll get sick of it pretty fast. So that leaves me with cooking during the weekend. Which is good because it gives me time to think about the recipes and do my groceries.

This past weekend, I gave my Christmas menu a "full dress rehearsal" - I don't want to end up ordering pizzas for Christmas.

Baked cod fish, home made coleslaw and boiled new potatoes with butter and herbs. Bits of fried onion from leftover, boiled some carrots, fried some fries. Because I was lazy with doing the dishes later, I piled everything on the plate. Kinda like those fish & chips you get at a western food stall at a coffee shop :)

On Sunday, we had bbq ribs. I love ribs and can usually finish a full slab and thought could be a nice variation to our Christmas dinner this year since we're not having any turkey.

I had the ribs marinating in the fridge for almost 24 hours, and the end result? De-li-cious....

This weekend, I'm thinking desserts.

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