Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prenatal Appointment at 34w2d

So we went to see Dr W today. I was so surprised I haven't put on weight since the last visit. I was telling DH in the car today I'm sure my weight will increase because I've been kinda constipated for the last 2 days and I ate so much over the weekend! But it was exactly the same as the last visit, K the clinic assistant asked commented on my surprise and happiness.

Bradley was sleeping today I think, not very active and hence we couldn't see much. His head is down, hands and legs near and his back on my right. I think he's probably in a crouching position? Poor thing he's been in this position for a month or more already! He's weighing a little over 2.3kg and Dr W said he's growing fine, but asked about my weight gain or lack of. I told her my appetite is fine, I tend to watch what I eat and she's not concerned so long baby's growing and trending well. The 2 clinic assistants, on the other hand, seems to be more worried and asked if I'm drinking milk and eating enough. Told me I wouldn't want to have too small a baby... got me worried a little at first. But hey, if doctor's not worried, I shouldn't! I'll promise to eat a bit more food and make sure they're nutritional.

Also had some concerns about episiotomy, which is basically a cut between the vagina and anus to enlarge the opening. I asked Dr W if this is something that's inevitable or if anything I can do to prevent it. She told me her practice is not to perform episiotomy if possible, as she finds that the healing process for the natural tear is faster and less painful than if one is being performed. Of course, if she notices during the labour that the tear is going haywire, i.e. tearing towards the front or side, she'll make the cut. Her observations are us Asians tend to stretch lesser in that area as compared to the Westerners, but she'll try to avoid it whenever possible. Good to know. Some people do perineum massage, but she doesn't think it's helpful at all. This is why I like Dr W - she's very truthful and honest.

So apparently the menses-like cramps I've been experiencing (not frequently) are Braxton Hicks - the false contractions. I knew the tightening of my abs were BH, but I wasn't sure of the cramps.

Next visit in 2 weeks, then it will be weekly visits!! OMG!

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