Monday, April 22, 2013

(Bloody) Show Time!

Hello! Here I am, at 39w1d. I'm less anxious as I was 2 weeks back, maybe because I know there really isn't much I can do. Baby is the king here, he decides when he wants to come.

I've been walking quite a bit, and on Saturday it was at least 4k walk. Maybe that was why I had some brownish discharge the moment I got home from exercise. It stopped and came back again yesterday, but much lesser. This morning, I woke up at 5+ to use the bathroom only to find more bloody show - this time it was red tinged and pinkish discharge. And then I thought I felt the cramps, so I asked DH to go to work a little later today just in case. But the cramps went away and I slept till nearly 9.

So then I did a little bit of housework, and bam! more pinkish discharge. But no signs of contractions. No mummy's gut feeling either, only King Bradley's decision. :)

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