Monday, June 10, 2013

Baby B at 6w+

 Where has the time gone? B is already on his 6th week! I guess it's so much faster when I live my life by the hour. How you ask?

B feeds every 2 hours, his feeding schedule is so prompt u won't need a clock. During the night.. It stretches to 3-4 hours. Me on the other hand was pumping every 2 hours until recently I've moved to pumping every 3 hours. 

During B'a first 4 weeks, I was latching him exclusively. That time, breastfeeding was tough because he seems to want to latch all the time, hungry all the time. Little did we know it was due the foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. For some reason he wasn't able to get the hindmilk regardless how long I offer the same breast. So I've decided to pump exclusively so it's easier for him and he's still getting all the nutrients of BM.

When a mother latches exclusively then moved to pumping, she'll be surprised by how little milk she can pump out. At first, I managed to only pump about 30-60ml. And since B was not getting enough from latching and I'm pumping so little, I got stressed out again. Pumping every 2 hours was a form of trickery in hopes that my body will produce more milk. It was very, very tiring, but alas, my supply went up. From pumping 30-70ml to now 120-180ml. I'm also pumping every 3 hours instead of 2. Hopefully in time to come 4 hours is fine, I'm just so tired! Sometimes when I'm home alone with B, it's almost impossible to find time to pump. That's when the manual pump comes in handy - carry B with one hand and pump with the other.

Logistic wise, our current arrangement is such that DH drops me at my mum's place in the morning as he goes to work and pick us up. Here, at least there's someone to help take over when I need a toilet break, lunch break or even a quick nap. But, even with the help if my mum, it cannot be compared to the synergy DH and I have when we take care of B at home.

Speaking of which, DH will be in Japan for a week!! I'm moving over to my mums for a week and im not happy about it. What to do? 

Given a choice, I'd still do this all over again.

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