Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mind Over Matter

Charting BBT is actually fun. Well, not the physicality of it, but seeing the fluctuations and pattern.

So those parenting/pregnancy websites and forums are not lying. You do see the dip before ovulation, and then the rise. Interesting.

Hopefully the charting and the TCM helps. It could be psychological, but this cycle is kinda a breeze. The week of PMS was barely noticeable, I did not have any difficulties getting out of bed in the mornings, nor was the day-one cramp unbearable like usual.

Fingers crossed.

On another note, I do feel that there is a reason why I'm still not pregnant. The mind was not in the right state. There's the distractions coming from all over the place and I wasn't sure myself what I wanted. But now, I am almost 100% certain about who I am, what I want, and how I want to lead my life.

Hopefully, with this way-delayed epiphany, my little bump will come soon.

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