Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Detailed Scan

Also anomaly scan, typically offered to mothers at around 20-24 weeks, to check baby's vital organs are developing well, and mother's placenta is at the right place. We took the day off and set out bright and early in excitement.

As with most of the other scans we've did so far, it always involves waiting. We waited for about an hour, but considering we were early 30 minutes. The room we were in for the scan only had a monitor, so the sonographer was kind enough to explain that she'll probably need about 20 minutes to take all the measurements, before turning the screen to me and run me through the various scans she did.

First thing she asked was if we already knew the gender and if we wanted her to reconfirm. But of course! She said, "your baby is definitely not a shy little boy". His legs were wide open for her to see. Too bad I missed the scene. If it was done in another room with the overhead monitor, it would have been ideal, or even at Dr W's clinic.

DH managed to make out certain things on screen - like how B was clenching and opening his fists, and halfway through, his face, and I felt so left out. But best to let the sonographer do what she needs and not complain. Finally, when she needed to check his face, lips and nose,  B decided to be shy. He covered his face with his left arm and not much could be seen. I had to be turned, prodded and made to cough, but he was pretty stubborn. So much for saying he wasn't shy! This little guy already has character. But, but, but, when the sonographer turned the screen to me and said, you see, he's covering his face and I am unable to see clearly, it was at that moment, he briefly lifted his hands and everyone went, "now!". I would love to think B did it for me, and in that brief moment, I saw his peaceful face and the time just stopped. It made everything I've gone through worth it - the agony of trying to conceive, the pains and aches involved during pregnancy... every bits of it are well worth it.

Happy to report that the results of the scan was very positive, everything looks fine and B is growing well. He's now too long to be measured by crown to rump, but would probably be about 20 cm now, and a healthy weight of 416g! I have put on the weight I've lost across the last 4 months and am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Next appointment, 14 January!

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