Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Things I Would Do Differently If I Got Pregnant Again

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my entire pregnancy journey.. Every single bit of it. Ok, maybe not the yeast infection and body aches, but you get the gist. I miss the whole journey so much I find myself reminiscing it every so often. From how this blog started, seeing a TMC, testing positive etc etc.. I even miss going to Dr W's clinic for the routine checks.

However, if I were to get pregnant again with a #2, there are a few things I would do differently, mostly post delivery.

1. Engage a confinement lady
Yes so my sisters did it without, but one of them gave fm right at the beginning, another had her mil stayed with her. It was basically just one sister who went thru it with no help. 

I underestimated the importance of rest during confinement and never understood why people said confinement is for the mother to rest and recuperate. Say what? Why? My birth was so easy and I don't think I need any recovery.

WRONG. Especially if you plan on breastfeeding, then rest is very important. So is food. So is the ability to not worry about the laundry and dirty dishes in the sink.

2. Breastfeeding options
I'm not sure with #2 if breastfeeding will be easier, but if I do plan on breastfeeding, then I should totally pump after each latch especially in the first 2 weeks. 

Really, big boobs are hindrance to breastfeeding. I am pumping every 4 hours now, with each pump yielding about 180-230ml. But if I can latch him on, it would make our lives so much easier, ESP if we need to go out. No need to worry about pump schedule, warming up the ebm, waking up in the middle of the night to pump, sterilising.... If only. But hey, B is still getting all the BM nutrients and filling up well. Same same.

3. Listen to your heart (or a professional you trust)
More often than not, people will make you feel terrible about yourself and ability to care and provide for baby. Just do what you think is right. Be firm and don't give in. I was adamant about not giving pacifier and the rocker, but I gave in eventually. Though I have to admit, it made my life much easier. 

4. Baby shower
Do not hold it at home. I somehow seem to forget I have a big family. Also, even if you are catering the food, don't forget there's still the clean up! Oh my... The thought of it. Next time, it will be either at a restaurant or somewhere.. Wherever, just not home

At this point, we are not thinking about #2 yet, but DH is keen. Me? Just because I miss the whole pregnancy so much I'm willing to try again. But I'm just not sure about how I can divide my love because now, B is my entire life and I want to give him all my attention and love.

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