Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Emotional Rollercoaster

They say when you're pregnant, you're an emotional wreck. DH begs to differ. Because according to him, I am an emotional person, pregnant or not. I hate to agree, but I do cry at the slightest thing. I have no idea why. 感情豐富吧。

I was just looking back at some of the posts I've written pre and post-conceiving. I remembered the initial days where we just found out we were pregnant, and were waiting to see Dr W to get a confirmation. DH had to travel a few days after we found out, and as I was driving to work one morning, Adele's Make You Feel My Love came on the ipod. I couldn't stop tearing. It was all snorts and tears and damn was it dangerous being on the road. I remember thinking at that time how surreal it was, and how badly we wanted this.

We have come a long way haven't we? Now at 26 weeks, it's still a matter of waiting. Waiting for the next doctor's appointment, waiting for the next scan, waiting to meet little Bradley. Lady In Waiting, how apt.

3 months!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your description of you being emo made me laugh cos we are so alike! Wahahhahaha
