Monday, April 8, 2013

37 Weeks

We are officially 37 weeks as of yesterday. B's considered full term now and it's ok for him to come any time. I wonder if it's because of that, my mind and body are playing tricks on me.

Yesterday, after a long afternoon of family gathering at my sister's place, I went to the bathroom and saw spots of brownish discharge on my pantyliner. I stopped whatever I was doing and scrutinized it. It's dark brown, definitely came out of me and not some foreign matter. The first thing that came to my mind - is that show?

What is bloody show?
Bloody show is a pink or brown-tinged stringy mucus discharge - a sign that your cervix is dilating and/or effacing. This is a definite sign that you're on your way toward labour and delivery.


Dr W did explain before that show can happen a few days before labour and if there isn't red blood or painful contractions accompanying it, I can continue to stay at home until contractions become 5 minutes apart.

I didn't feel any contractions nor discomfort yesterday. But DH and I got excited. If it really is part of the show, then it should be anytime now.

This morning, I woke up around 5+ only to feel a dull menses cramp - what I would normally have felt if my period was coming and I will be awoken to make sure I have my tampon in place. Deep down, I don't think baby's coming but I thought why not just stay in and work from home today. Should anything happen, at least I'm home and not in the office. The menses-cramp is still there, though not intense, just a dull feeling. Baby's moving alright, Braxton Hicks is getting stronger with the tighter ab feeling, but mentally, I feel ok. I somehow know it's not time yet.

Or could it be?

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